Nick Huemmer

29 Sep 2022

Binary to Text (ASCII) Conversion

Binary to Text (ASCII) Conversion

This challenge deals with 8-bit binary codes, extracting them from long strings, decoding them with ASCII character codes, then putting them back together. Fun, not too difficult.

Write a function that takes in a binary string and returns the equivalent decoded text (the text is ASCII encoded).

Each 8 bits on the binary string represent 1 character on the ASCII table.

The input string will always be a valid binary string.

Characters can be in the range from “00000000” to “11111111” (inclusive)

Note: In the case of an empty binary string your function should return an empty string.

My solution

const binaryToString = binary => 
    !binary.length ? '' : binary.match(/[\s\S]{1,8}/g).map(x=> String.fromCharCode(parseInt(x, 2))).join('')

binaryToString('01100001') // 'a'
binaryToString('01001011010101000100100001011000010000100101100101000101') // 'KTHXBYE'
//Test numeric
binaryToString('00110001001100000011000100110001') // '1011')
//Test special chars
binaryToString('001111000011101000101001') // '<:)'

This is an interesting way to deal with cutting strings into smaller strings of specified length.

if (!String.prototype.cordwood) {
  String.prototype.cordwood = function(cordlen) {
  if (cordlen === undefined || cordlen > this.length) {
    cordlen = this.length;
  var yardstick = new RegExp(`.{${cordlen}}`, 'g');
  var pieces = this.match(yardstick);
  var accumulated = (pieces.length * cordlen);
  var modulo = this.length % accumulated;
  if (modulo) pieces.push(this.slice(accumulated));	
  return pieces;

Notice how the solution is implemented:

const binary = '01001011010101000100100001011000010000100101100101000101'

// [ '01001011', '01010100', '01001000', '01011000', '01000010', '01011001', '01000101' ]

binary.cordwood(8).map(x=> String.fromCharCode(parseInt(x, 2))).join('')


const phrase = 'This is a very exciting development!'


Other solutions

Very similar to my solution, the regex is just slightly different.

function binaryToString(binary) {
  return binary.replace(/[01]{8}/g, n => String.fromCharCode(parseInt(n, 2)))

This solution uses a for loop along with the substring method.

function binaryToString(binary) {
  let arr = [];
  if (binary.length){
    for (let i = 0; i < binary.length; i += 8) {
      arr.push(binary.substr(i, 8));
    return => String.fromCharCode(parseInt(s, 2))).join('');
  return '';