Nick Huemmer

7 September 2022

Happy Numbers

Happy Numbers

This problem was a tough one as it involved recursion, but also a tricky condition in which to end the recursion.

Given any number, we can create a new number by adding the sums of squares of digits of that number. For example, given 203, our new number is 4 + 0 + 9 = 13. If we repeat this process, we get a sequence of numbers:

203 -> 13 -> 10 -> 1 -> 1

Sometimes, like with 203, the sequence reaches (and stays at) 1. Numbers like this are called happy.

Not all numbers are happy. If we started with 11, the sequence would be:

11 -> 2 -> 4 -> 16 -> …

This sequence will never reach 1, and so the number 11 is called unhappy.

Given a positive whole number, you have to determine whether that number is happy or unhappy.


happy(203) ➞ true

happy(11) ➞ false

happy(107) ➞ false

My solution

My solution was started with recursion, but then I ended up following the pattern of this solution found on StackOverFlow.

// We initialize the function with an additional parameter - the prev array that will store values that recur
function happy(n, prev=[]) {
  //  A helper function, sumSquares, adds the square of each digit in the number passed into it.
	const sumSquares = n => [...String(n)].map(Number).reduce((a, 		c) => c * c + a, 0)
	// ss is initialized to hold the result of sumSquares(n)
  let ss = sumSquares(n)
  // if sumSquares(n) is equal to 1, then return true and end recursion.
  if (ss === 1) return true
	// if we've already seen the result of sumSquares(n), then return false
  if (prev.includes(ss)) return false
	// push the result of sumSquares onto the prev array
	// run the happy function again using ss (sumSquares of n) and the array prev as arguments.
  return happy(ss, prev)

happy(100) // true
happy(101) // false
happy(102) // false
happy(103) // true
happy(104) // false
happy(105) // false
happy(106) // false
happy(107) // false
happy(108) // false
happy(109) // true
happy(110)  // false

The tricky part here for me was figuring out how to make the recursive loop stop once a number is found that won’t reduce down to 1 (unhappy). The solution here was to use an array to pass the results of sumSquare(n) and hold the result to make sure that it isn’t in the array already using the Array.prototype.includes() method.

Other solutions

Here are two other solutions that I thought were interesting.

This one is concise, and uses the if statements to check if n is equal to 1 or 4, if they are, then the recursive loop is stopped since 1 is the end of the happy number search and happy numbers do not have a 4 in them. The real nitty-gritty of the function is in the return statement that includes .reduce(), and passes in the Math.pow operation on each number and adds them to the sum, with zero passed as the second argument or currentValue.

function happy(n) {
	if (n == 1) return true;
	if (n == 4) return false;
	return happy([...n.toString()]
		.reduce((sum, v) => Math.pow(Number(v), 2) + sum, 0))

Here’s another good solution. This is similar to the above in that it checks for 1 and 4. The end result of 1 is true and the end result of 4 is false. Pretty different from my solution as I didn’t check for 4 (I could have instead of using the prev array.)

const sum = arr => arr.reduce((total, num) => total + num, 0);

const getDigits = num => String(num).split('').map(Number);

const happy = num => {
  if (num === 1) return true;
  if (num === 4) return false;
  return happy(sum(getDigits(num).map(digit => Math.pow(digit, 2))));