Know Your Neighbor
The challenge:
Create a function that takes a string as an argument and returns true if each letter in the string is surrounded by a plus sign. Return false otherwise.
plusSign(“+f+d+c+#+f+”) ➞ true
plusSign(“+d+=3=+s+”) ➞ true
plusSign(“f++d+g+8+”) ➞ false
plusSign(“+s+7+fg+r+8+”) ➞ false
For clarity, each letter must have a plus sign on both sides.
My Solution
My solution was a bit more verbose than some.
function plusSign(str) {
// Put all the string's characters onto an array.
const arr = [...str]
//Initiate an array to hold all letters that are flanked by '+'
let letters = []
for (let i=0; i< arr.length; i++) {
letters.push(arr[i].match(/[a-z]/g) && arr[i-1] === '+' && arr[i+1] === '+' ? arr[i] : '')
// return a if the length of the letters array is the same as the length of the array `arr` with the letters filtered out.
return letters.filter(x=> x !== '').length === arr.filter(x=> /[a-z]/.test(x) ? x : '').filter(x=> x !== '').length
plusSign("+f+d+c+#+f+") // true
plusSign("+d+=3=+s+") // true
plusSign("f++d+g+8+") // false
plusSign("+s+7+fg+r+8+") // false
Other Solutions
This solution uses purely regex and the test method to determine if the string meets the criteria.
const plusSign = str =>
This solution uses the .every()
method to test if the array of items from the string has each letter flanked by a ’+‘.
function plusSign(str) {
return [...str].every((c,i)=>(/[a-z]/gi.test(c))?(str[i-1]=='+'&&str[i+1]=='+'):true)