Nick Huemmer

18 April 2022

Milliseconds to Human Readable Time

Building on working with dates, here’s a bit of code that I came across that I thought was interesting and useful.

This builds on the Working with Dates in JavaScript post that I wrote previously, but this doesn’t use the JavaScript Date object. It does, however, use milliseconds as it’s base unit of time and is a handy tool if you ever have to work with milliseconds.

function millisecondsToHuman(ms) {
    const seconds = Math.floor((ms / 1000) % 60);
    const minutes = Math.floor((ms / 1000 / 60) % 60);
    const hours = Math.floor(ms / 1000 / 60 / 60);

    const humanized = [
      pad(hours.toString(), 2),
      pad(minutes.toString(), 2),
      pad(seconds.toString(), 2),

    return humanized;

function pad(numberString, size) {
    let padded = numberString;
    while (padded.length < size) padded = `0${padded}`;
    return padded;

millisecondsToHuman(21600000) // '06:00:00' six hours
millisecondsToHuman(86400000) // '24:00:00' hours or one day
millisecondsToHuman(172800000) // '48:00:00' forty eight hours

What’s going on here? The first function, millisecondsToHuman is responsible for parsing out the seconds, minutes and hours of a given amount of milliseconds we pass into the function. The constants seconds, minutes and hours are all variables set by dividing the provided milliseconds (ms) into different units by using the appropriate arithmetic to determine each number. Math.floor is used to round each number down to the nearest integer. The const humanized then is set to an array that consists of the numbers seconds, minutes and hours constants converted to strings and padded with a zero where needed by the second function, pad.

pad is applied to each number in the humanized array. It takes two arguments, a string numberString and a number size. JavaScript’s toString() method is applied to each number passed into pad and then pad will take numberStrings and convert them to a two digit timer format, e.g. if 6 is passed in, it will return 06 or “pad” it with a zero. Two digit numbers like 10 are unaltered. pad can only handle numbers two digits long or less, and that’s all it will see because it’s being used exclusively by millisecondsToHuman for the humanized array.

I found this function in the book Fullstack React The Complete Guide to ReactJS and Friends. You should check it out if you’re interested in learning more about how to build a website with React.