Nick Huemmer

20 May 2022

RegEx Character Classes XII ⁠

Hello, I haven’t posted in awhile. I’ve been busy learning Next.js and more about the FullStack. I have many more posts coming up, I just need to take the time to write them up. Such is keeping up with a blog.

Here’s a Regex Challenge RegEx: Character Classes XII

Match the tab followed by the space in:

const str = `What	
me?	 `

const REGEXP = /\t /g

You have to match the tab and the space at the end of the string. You do that by using the \t to capture the tab, then add a space so that it captures the space, too. In this challenge, you’re not able to use \s (for any white space), as it captures the tabs after “what” and “about”.

The challenge won’t let you use this pattern:


Even though it will work.