Nick Huemmer

Nick Huemmer

I write about software engineering and other things I want to share or learn better.

18 July 2024

Backpacking Gear List

A list of gear for backpacking trips into the Appalachian Mountains.

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tags: backpacking, camping, hiking, gear, Appalachian Mountains, outdoors, nature, backpacking gear list

14 September 2023

What are hooks in React?

What are hooks in React and how do we use them, specifically useState and useEffect?

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tags: JavaScript, React, hooks, functional components

17 July 2023

What is an Algorithm?

A brief explanation of what an algorithm is.

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tags: JavaScript, algorithms, functions, loops, numbers, strings, arrays, definitions

05 July 2023

Leetcode 1 - Two Sum

A solution with explanation for Leetcode Problem 1, two sum.

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tags: JavaScript, leetcode, loops, numbers, strings, arrays, nested loops, cache, look-up, time complexity.

26 Feb 2023

Reduce Under the Hood

Here is a way to replicate the reduce method.

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tags: JavaScript, arrays, reduce, methods, callback, accumulator

25 February 2023

What is a Collection in Javascript?

A collection is a common data structure in JavaScript that you may already be familiar with.

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tags: JavaScript, collections, arrays, objects, sets, maps, learning, code, programming

19 Feb 2023

What are props in React?

A brief introduction to props in React.

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tags: JavaScript, React, props, components, syntax, introduction, explanation

17 February 2023

Mental Models

Learn what mental models are and how they can help you better understand complex concepts.

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tags: learning, mental models, memory palace, javascript, code, programming, science, math, education

15 Feb 2023

Cloning Objects in JavaScript

You can clone objects in JavaScript, but it doesn't work the way you might expect.

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tags: JavaScript, objects, cloning, deep cloning, shallow cloning, codesmith

09 Feb 2023

Movie Constructor - OOP problem

Create a movie constructor function!

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tags: JavaScript, object oriented programming, OOP, codesmith, objects, constructor functions, methods, new, prototype

09 Feb 2023

Restaurant Constructor - OOP problem

Create a Restaurant Constructor and create the menu!

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tags: JavaScript, object oriented programming, OOP, codesmith, objects, constructor functions, methods, new, prototype

08 Feb 2023

JavaScript OOP Practice Problems

Some problems you can use to practice Javascript Object-Oriented Programming

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tags: JavaScript, object oriented programming, OOP, codesmith, objects, constructor functions, methods, new, prototype

07 Feb 2023

JavaScript OOP - Car Rental Simulation

Create Car, Rental and Customer constructor functions that simulate a car rental situation.

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tags: JavaScript, OOP, Object-Oriented-Programming, prototype, constructor functions,

05 Feb 2023

JavaScript OOP - Stack

Create a Stack constructor function.

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tags: JavaScript, OOP, Object-Oriented-Programming, prototype, constructor functions,

02 Feb 2023

Extending an Object in JavaScript

Here's how you can add properties to an object in JavaScript, from another object iteratively with reduce.

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tags: JavaScript, objects, extend, extend object, codesmith

29 Sep 2022

Binary to Text (ASCII) Conversion

Convert binary to text using the ASCII character set.

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tags: binary, strings, fundamentals, JavaScript, ASCII, match, substr, String.fromCharCode, Code Wars

26 September 2022

Topsy Turvy Numbers

Return all the topsy-turvy numbers between two numbers.

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tags: JavaScript, Edabit, loops, numbers, strings, arrays, Array.from, range

24 September 2022

Coconut Communication

Communication is key to a healthy relationship. Learn how to communicate with your coconut in the form of bits.

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tags: loops, strings, charCodeAt, toFixed, binary numbers, binary, Javascript

22 September 2022

Identical Row and Column?

Are any of the columns identical to any of the rows in a 2D matrix?

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tags: arrays, for ... loop, javascript, push, strings JSON.stringify, Edabit, nested loops, matrices, compare arrays

20 September 2022

Super Reduced String

Delete all repeating characters in a string.

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tags: arrays, map, regex, match, test, algorithms, recursion, javascript

19 September 2022

Odd One Out

See if all words are the same length except for only one.

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tags: arrays, map, filter, javascript, Edabit, problem, validation, counting elements, Object.entries, length

16 September 2022

Special Pythagorean Triplet

Solve for the product of the Pythagorean triple that sums to 1000.

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tags: Project Euler, algebra, math, javascript, Number Theory, Number.isInteger, Math.sqrt

12 September 2022

Know Your Neighbor

Is the number surrounded by pluses?

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tags: arrays, map, filter, for ... loop, javascript, ternary operator, regex, push, Edabit

8 September 2022

Harshad Numbers

More fun with numbers - Harshad numbers are positive numbers that are divisible by the sum of their digits.

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tags: algebra, math, numbers, validation, while loops, unshift, push, indexOf, String, Number

7 September 2022

Happy Numbers

Determine if a number is a happy number or not.

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tags: edabit, javascript, filter, happy numbers

6 September 2022

Simon Says

Only perform an operation if Simon says!

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tags: arrays, map, filter, eval, javascript

13 April 2022

Filter the Smileys 😀

Let's start off with some fun JavaScript!

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tags:, .map(), Array.prototype.filter(), .filter(), arrays

19 April 2022

Regular Expressions - Character Classes

Here's one way to use regular expressions (regex) to solve the problem of finding a sequence of characters in a string.

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tags: regular expressions, regex, regex101, sequence of characters